5. Probability and land-use#
The introduction of a threshhold value for beach-litter density by the EU and the reasons for the application of that threshhold mark a change in the importance and use of beach litter data. Prior to the establishment of a threshold the primary use of beach-litter data was to educate the public and in some instances define a link with mortality and mobidity of marine species. At present beach-litter survey results are also considered on the numerical distance from a stated goal. That goal is defined in pieces of trash for every 100 m. The goal is based on the principal of precaution, that means we are unsure of the long term consequences of exposure to plastics and it would be best to minimize exposure if possible.EU Threshold Value for Macro Litter on Coastlines
With the announcement of a threshhold value there was no subsequent recomendation for changing the methods of sampling. Consequently, this environmental assessment relies on the recorded observations of volunteers following a standard protocol. According to the journal Nature, programs that include the involvement of citizens in scientific research and/or knowledge production, can complement and ultimately improve the Sustainale Development Goals (SDG) reporting process. Beach litter applies specifically to SDG 14, the target of achieving substantial reductions in marine pollution.
5.1. Motivation#
The preceding sections demonstrate that there is a relationship between the enivironmental conditions (land-use) and the amount and types of objects found on the shoreline of Swiss rivers and lakes. However, a positive or negative correlation is only an indicator of the nature of a relationship. If we want to know to what degree we are more likely to find an object under one object or another under different conditions then further analysis must be conducted. As long as the test is used as an indicator it may help define more fruitfull avenues of inquiry.
5.1.1. Proposition#
If an object is positively correlated to a land-use attribute then we should expect to find more of that object when a survey is conducted at locations where that attribute is the most dominant. For example, given that cigarette end are positively correlated to buildings and urbanization we should expect to find more cigarette ends at locations that are primarily urban. Furthermore, we should expect to find less cigarette ends at locations where there are less buildings and more undefined land use, see section three correlation table.
Show code cell source
# these are the land use values for each hex
# nutuzungsareal and freizeit areal are totaled
# the surface area of these two use cases gets added
# to the total of the land cover surface area
dfln = pd.read_csv("resources/hex-3000m-cleaned/lake-locations-nutuzungsareal.csv")
dflf = pd.read_csv("resources/hex-3000m-cleaned/lake-locations-freizeitareal.csv")
# rename the columns and total the surface are for each component
dflf.rename(columns={"OBJEKTART":"use"}, inplace=True)
dflf = dflf[~dflf.use.isin(['Reben', 'Obstanlage'])].copy()
dflf_t = dflf.groupby(["location", "river_bass", "city", "feature"], as_index=False).surface.sum()
dflf_t["use"] = "recreation"
dfln.rename(columns={"OBJEKTART":"use"}, inplace=True)
dfln = dfln[~dfln.use.isin(['Reben', 'Obstanlage'])].copy()
dfln_t = dfln.groupby(["location", "river_bass", "city", "feature"], as_index=False).surface.sum()
dfln_t["use"] = "infrastructure"
# combine the data frames
rec_inf = pd.concat([dfln_t, dflf_t])
rec_inf = rec_inf[rec_inf.location.isin(collection_points)]
# this is the land cover, the total surface area of the hex is accounted for here
# this includes the surface area of the lake within the hex
# there are portions of the map layer that have no land-use attribute
# to account for this, the total surface area of all labeled sections is
# substracted from the area of a hex 5845672 m². This attribute is labled
# undefined
dflc = pd.read_csv("resources/hex-3000m-cleaned/lake-locations-landcover.csv")
# sum the unique land cover values for each location
area_of_a_hex = 5845672
xgr = dflc.groupby(["location", "city", "river_bass","lat", "lon", "feature", "OBJVAL"], as_index=False, dropna=False).surface.sum()
# the sum of all the land cover values for a location
xgrt = xgr.groupby(["location", "city", "river_bass","lat", "lon", "feature"], as_index=False).surface.sum()
# the amount of surface area that is not accounted for
xgrt["undefined"] = area_of_a_hex - xgrt.surface
# format data frame to join to the other land cover totals
xgrt["OBJVAL"] = "undefined"
xgrt["surface"] = xgrt["undefined"]
xgrt.drop("undefined", inplace=True, axis=1)
# add to other totals
dflcx = pd.concat([xgr, xgrt])
# remove the value of See from the surface area of a hex.
# We are considering the magnitude of land use type in relation
# to the amount of land that is available to be used, not including
# amount of land that is covered by the lake itself
xsee = xgr[xgr.OBJVAL == "See"][["location", "surface"]]
xsee["hex minus"] = area_of_a_hex - xsee.surface
hex_minus = xsee[["location", "hex minus"]].set_index("location", drop=True)
# map the adjusted surface area to to the land use
# totals and scale the surface column to the adjusted surface area
dflcx["hex minus"] = dflcx.location.apply(lambda x: hex_minus.loc[x, "hex minus"])
# change column name
dflcx.rename(columns={"OBJVAL":"use"}, inplace=True)
# add the land use attributes to the land-cover data
rec_inf["hex minus"] = rec_inf.location.apply(lambda x: hex_minus.loc[x, "hex minus"])
columns = ["location", "river_bass", "city", "feature", "surface", "use", "hex minus"]
agg_land_use = pd.concat([dflcx[columns], rec_inf[columns]])
agg_land_use["scaled"] = agg_land_use.surface/agg_land_use["hex minus"]
# remove See from the data frame
agg_land_use = agg_land_use[agg_land_use.use != "See"]
bind = pd.IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(-1, 0), (0.00000001, .049999), (.05000, .099999), (.10000, .149999),(.15000, .199999), (.2, .2499), (.25, .2999), (.3000, .3499),
(.35, .3999), (.4000, .449999), (.45, .499999),(.5, .549999), (.55, .5999), (.6000, .6499), (.65, .6999), (.7, .7499), (.75, .7999),
(.8, .8499), (.85, .8999), (.9, .9499), (.95, 1)])
# bin the scaled column
sbins = pd.cut(agg_land_use.scaled, bins=bind, labels=np.arange(start=0, stop=21), include_lowest=True, retbins=False)
sbins=sbins.cat.rename_categories(np.arange(start=0, stop=21))
agg_land_use["binned"] = sbins
# land use features that get laid on top of the land-cover features
# the distance ot the river intersections and the length of the river
# features in the hexgon
dist_ct = pd.read_csv("resources/hex-3000m-cleaned/river-intersect-length.csv")
dist_dt = dist_ct.groupby("location", as_index=False).agg({"distance":"mean", "length":"sum"})
dist_dt = dist_dt[dist_dt.location.isin(df.location.unique())].copy()
dist_dt = pd.melt(dist_dt, id_vars = "location", value_vars=["length", "distance"])
# min max scale
dist_dt["scaled"] = (dist_dt["value"] - dist_dt["value"].min())/(dist_dt["value"].max() - dist_dt["value"].min())
# bin in groups of 0.05 plus one bin for zero
sbinsr = pd.cut(dist_dt.scaled, bins=bind, labels=np.arange(start=0, stop=21), include_lowest=True, retbins=False)
sbinsr=sbinsr.cat.rename_categories(np.arange(start=0, stop=21))
dist_dt["binned"] = sbinsr
# add the survey area and feature name to the data
rbas_map = df[["location", "river_bassin"]].drop_duplicates(["location", "river_bassin"]).set_index("location")
rbas_map = rbas_map["river_bassin"]
dist_dt["feature"] = dist_dt.location.apply(lambda x: wn_map.loc[x])
dist_dt["river_bass"] = dist_dt.location.apply(lambda x: rbas_map.loc[x])
# the length of the road network in the hex
strasse = pd.read_csv("resources/hex-3000m-cleaned/lake-locations-strasse.csv")
strasse = strasse[strasse.location.isin(df.location.unique())].copy()
stras = strasse.groupby(["location","river_bass", "city", "feature", ], as_index=False).length.sum()
# min max scale
stras["scaled"] = (stras["length"] - stras["length"].min())/(stras["length"].max() - stras["length"].min())
# bin
sbinsras = pd.cut(stras.scaled, bins=bind, labels=np.arange(start=0, stop=21), include_lowest=True, retbins=False)
sbinsras=sbinsras.cat.rename_categories(np.arange(start=0, stop=21))
stras["binned"] = sbinsras
stras["use"] = "Strasse"
mix_agg = agg_land_use.copy()
mix_agg["binned"] = mix_agg.binned.astype('int')
mix_agg.drop_duplicates(["location", "use"], inplace=True)
mix_agg_scale_key = mix_agg[["location", "river_bass", "feature", "use", "surface", "scaled", "binned"]].set_index("location")
mix_agg_scale_key.rename(columns={"surface":"magnitude"}, inplace=True)
mix_dt = dist_dt.copy()
mix_dt["binned"] = mix_dt.binned.astype('int')
mix_dt.drop_duplicates(["location", "variable"], inplace=True)
mix_dt_scale_key = mix_dt[["location", "river_bass", "feature", "variable", "value", "scaled", "binned"]].set_index("location")
mix_dt_scale_key.rename(columns={"variable":"use"}, inplace=True)
mix_dt_scale_key.rename(columns={"value":"magnitude"}, inplace=True)
strass_dt_scale_key = stras[["location", "river_bass", "feature", "use", "length", "scaled", "binned"]].copy()
strass_dt_scale_key["binned"] = strass_dt_scale_key.binned.astype(int)
strass_dt_scale_key.rename(columns={"length":"magnitude"}, inplace=True)
strass_dt_scale_key.set_index("location", inplace=True, drop=True)
land_use_keys = pd.concat([strass_dt_scale_key, mix_dt_scale_key, mix_agg_scale_key])
land_use_keys.reset_index(drop=False, inplace=True)
land_use_keys = land_use_keys[land_use_keys.location.isin(df.location.unique())]
lusek_copy = land_use_keys.copy()
5.2. The probability of finding a cigarette end#
We test the proposition by constructing a discrete grid approximation of the probability of finding an on object under two different conditions.
The probability of finding a cigarette end when the land-use is mostly buildings
The probability of finding a cigarette end when the land-use is mostly undefined
There five steps to constructing a grid approximation:
Discretize the parameter space if it is not already discrete.
Compute prior and likelihood at each “grid point” in the (discretized) parameter space.
Compute (kernel of) posterior as prior ⋅
likelihood at each “grid point”.
Normalize to get posterior, if desired.
For this manuscript we are not detailing the construction of the grid. Note that the same data in section three is used here. If you would like to know how this is done in detail follow the one the links. Users of R should select Krushke or Bayes rules, python users should follow Think Bayes. Krushke, Bayes rules, Think Bayes
5.2.1. Interpretation#
Locations with a greater percentage of land attributed to buildings have a higher probability of returning survey results with more cigarette ends. The difference is greates on the range of \(\approx\) 0.2 pcs/m to 5 pcs/m.
This script updated 09/08/2023 in Biel, CH
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