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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Extracting land use values#

This is a summary of the methods to extract topographical features from vector and points layers using QGIS. Atribute names are translated to the target languages and Null values are either corrected or eliminated.

QGIS is not the optimal tool for this operation if the intention is to automate the aquisition of the data. However for a limited number of users and relatively few sample locations added each year this method is adequate to the task.

Note: 1’500 meter buffer (circular)

The land-use chapter in the federal report generated alot of interest. It inspired an academic article and collaboration with Wagenigen Research and University. The principal was applied using an empirical Bayes method with the Solid-Waste-Team at the EPFL.

  1. the area of the buffer is \(\pi * 1500²\) or 7065000 m²

Land-use, land-cover and streets#

Land-cover: Are elements such as buildings, forest, orchard or undefined. There is at least one land-cover element for each survey location. If so then it takes 100% of the available dry land.

Land-use: Are elements that may or may not be in the buffer. These are items like schools, hospitals, water-treatment plants. Individually they are only a small portion of the available dry land.

Extracting land-cover and land-use:#

For this method we are using the land-cover layer from swissTLM regio

finished columns = slug, attribute , attribute_type, area, dry, scale


  1. create a buffer around each survey point

    • make sure that the survey location and feature_type is in the attributes of the new buffer layer

    • the survey locations are loaded as points from .csv file

    • reproject the points layer to the project CRS

  2. use the new buffer layer as an overlay to the land-cover layer

    • use the overlay intersection tool

    • select the fields to keep from the buffer (slug and feature type)

    • select the fields to keep from the land-cover layer

    • run the function

    • this creates a temporary layer called intersection

  3. get the surface area of all the land-cover and land-use features in each buffer of the temporary layer

    • use the field calculator for the attribute table of the layer

    • in the field calculator, make a new field and enter the formula \$area

    • for this example the method is elipsoid bessel 1841 (epsg 7001)

    • this is set in the properties of the QGIS project

    • Export the layer as .csv

  4. verify the land-use features per location

    • drop duplicate values: use location, feature and area to define duplicates

    • attention! different names for lake and reservoir

      • change Stausee to See

  5. make a dry land feature

    • this is the surface area of the buffer that is not covered by water

    • substract the area of See from the area of the buffer

    • identify survey locations that have siginifcant water features but are not listed as lakes

  6. Scale the land-use attributes of interest to the available dry-land

Example making dry land columns and scaling the land-use

# locations with significant still water feature but
# not listed as a lake
see_not_lake = l_u[(l_u.feature == "See")&(l_u.feature_ty != "l")]
snl = see_not_lake.slug.unique()

# lakes and locations in snl
# recall that feature type has a designator for lakes
lakes = lg[(lg.feature_ty == 'l') | lg.slug.isin(snl)].copy()

# from this subset of data separate the surface area covered by water
# set the slug to the index and substract the surface area of the water
# from the surface area of the buffer
lake_only = lakes[lakes.feature == "See"]
lo = lake_only[["slug", "area"]].set_index("slug")

# substract the lake value from the area of the buffer
lo["dry"] = 7065000 - lo.area
lodry = lo["dry"]

# merge the original land-use data from lakes with the
# the dry land results
lgi = lakes.merge(lo["dry"], left_on="slug", right_index=True)
# remove the lake feature from the features columns
lgi = lgi[lgi.feature != "See"].copy()

# scale the landuse feature to the available dry land
lgi["scale"] = (lgi.area/lgi.dry).round(3)

# repeat the process for locations that do not have a lake feature
# these locations are accounted for above
eliminate = [*snl, *lo.index]
# recuperate all other locations
rivers_parcs = lg[~lg.slug.isin(eliminate)].copy()
# define the dry land as the area of the buffer
rivers_parcs["dry"] = 7065000
# scale the features with the dry land value
rivers_parcs["scale"] = rivers_parcs.area/rivers_parcs.dry

# combine the two results
land_cover = pd.concat([rivers_parcs, lgi])

Once the dry land value is calculated for each buffer of the land-cover buffer use the dry-land value to scale the components of the land-use buffer

Extracting street lengths#

The tlmREgio streets or strasse layer is applicable.

Note: the street lenghts are not scaled

finished columns = slug, attribute, attribute_type, length


  1. The streets layer can have many copies of the same street in a buffer

  2. The cumulative sum of a street in a layer can exceed the radius of the buffer (windy roads)

  3. Dissolving the polylines of each buffer in the layer is essential

  4. Drop duplicate values on slug, attribute, length

  5. Using the same 1’500 m buffer that was used for land-cover and land-use. Intersect the buffer with the street layer

  6. Dissolve the polylines in each buffer

    • select the fields from the streets layer to keep (OBJVAL)

    • select the fields from the buffer layer to kepp (slug, feature_ty)

    • check the box keep disjoint features separate

    • run the function

    • export to .csv

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def collect_vitals(data):
    total = data.quantity.sum()
    median = data.pcs_m.median()
    samples = data.loc_date.nunique()
    ncodes = data.code.nunique()
    nlocations = data.slug.nunique()
    nbodies = data.feature_name.nunique()
    ncities = data.city.nunique()
    min_date = data["date"].min()
    max_date = data["date"].max()
    return total, median, samples, ncodes, nlocations, nbodies, ncities, min_date, max_date

def find_missing(more_than, less_than):
    return np.setdiff1d(more_than, less_than)
def find_missing_loc_dates(done, dtwo):
    locs_one = done.loc_date.unique()
    locs_two = dtwo.loc_date.unique()
    return find_missing(locs_one, locs_two)

def aggregate_gcaps_gfoams_gfrags(data, codes,columns=["Gfoams", "Gfrags", "Gcaps"]):
    for col in columns:
        change = codes.loc[codes.parent_code == col].index
        data.loc[data.code.isin(change), "code"] = col
    return data

def make_a_summary(vitals, add_summary_name=False):

    a_summary = f"""
    Number of objects: {vitals[0]}
    Median pieces/meter: {vitals[1]}
    Number of samples: {vitals[2]}
    Number of unique codes: {vitals[3]}
    Number of sample locations: {vitals[4]}
    Number of features: {vitals[5]}
    Number of cities: {vitals[6]}
    Start date: {vitals[7]}
    End date: {vitals[8]}

    if add_summary_name:
        a_summary = f"""
        Summary name = {add_summary_name}

    return a_summary
def combine_survey_files(list_of_files):

    files = []
    for afile in list_of_files:
    return pd.concat(files)

def indexed_feature_data(file, index: str = "code"):
    df = pd.read_csv(file)
    df.set_index(index, drop=True, inplace=True)
    return df
code_cols = ['material', 'description', 'source', 'parent_code', 'single_use', 'groupname']

group_by_columns = [
agg_this = {
    "pcs_m": "sum"

survey_data = [

code_data =  "data/end_process/codes.csv"
beach_data = "data/end_process/beaches.csv"
land_cover_data = "data/end_process/land_cover.csv"
land_use_data = "data/end_process/land_use.csv"
street_data = "data/end_process/streets.csv"
intersection_attributes = "data/end_process/river_intersect_lakes.csv"
surveys = combine_survey_files(survey_data)
codes = indexed_feature_data(code_data, index="code")
beaches = indexed_feature_data(beach_data, index="slug")
land_cover = pd.read_csv(land_cover_data)
land_use = pd.read_csv(land_use_data)
streets = pd.read_csv(street_data)
river_intersect_lakes = pd.read_csv(intersection_attributes)
loc_date date feature_name slug code pcs_m quantity parent_boundary length groupname city feature_type
0 ('tiger-duck-beach', '2021-10-07') 2021-10-07 lac-leman tiger-duck-beach G1 0.00 0 rhone 30 food and drink Saint-Sulpice (VD) l
1 ('tiger-duck-beach', '2021-10-07') 2021-10-07 lac-leman tiger-duck-beach G10 0.07 2 rhone 30 food and drink Saint-Sulpice (VD) l
2 ('tiger-duck-beach', '2021-10-07') 2021-10-07 lac-leman tiger-duck-beach G100 0.30 9 rhone 30 waste water Saint-Sulpice (VD) l
3 ('tiger-duck-beach', '2021-10-07') 2021-10-07 lac-leman tiger-duck-beach G101 0.00 0 rhone 30 personal items Saint-Sulpice (VD) l
4 ('tiger-duck-beach', '2021-10-07') 2021-10-07 lac-leman tiger-duck-beach G102 0.00 0 rhone 30 personal items Saint-Sulpice (VD) l


Null values:

slug              False
attribute         False
attribute_type    False
area              False
dry               False
scale             False
dtype: bool

Land-cover attributes

array(['undefined', 'Siedl', 'Wald', 'Reben', 'Obstanlage'], dtype=object)

land-cover attribute translations

land_cover_fr = {
    'undefined': 'Non défini',
    'Siedl': 'Siedl',
    'Wald': 'Forêt',
    'Reben': 'Vignes',
    'Obstanlage': 'Verger'

land_cover_en = {
    'undefined': 'Undefined',
    'Siedl': 'Settlement',
    'Wald': 'Forest',
    'Reben': 'Vines',
    'Obstanlage': 'Orchard'

Land-cover results for one location

slug attribute attribute_type area dry scale
141 parc-des-pierrettes undefined land-cover 68285 3832559 0.018
623 parc-des-pierrettes Siedl land-cover 3606885 3832559 0.941
624 parc-des-pierrettes Wald land-cover 157389 3832559 0.041


Null values:

slug              False
attribute         False
attribute_type    False
area              False
dry               False
scale             False
dtype: bool

Land-use attributes:

array(['Baumschule', 'Friedhof', 'Schul- und Hochschulareal',
       'Wald nicht bestockt', 'Abwasserreinigungsareal',
       'Historisches Areal', 'Kraftwerkareal', 'Schrebergartenareal',
       'Truppenuebungsplatz', 'Unterwerkareal',
       'Kehrichtverbrennungsareal', 'Spitalareal',
       'Oeffentliches Parkareal', 'Messeareal',
       'Massnahmenvollzugsanstaltsareal', 'Kiesabbauareal',
       'Steinbruchareal', 'Klosterareal', 'Deponieareal', 'Antennenareal',
       'Lehmabbauareal'], dtype=object)

Land-use translations and groups

land_use_fr = {
    'Baumschule': 'Pépinière',
    'Friedhof': 'Cimetière',
    'Schul- und Hochschulareal': 'Zone scolaire et universitaire',
    'Wald nicht bestockt': 'Forêt non peuplée',
    'Abwasserreinigungsareal': 'Zone de traitement des eaux usées',
    'Historisches Areal': 'Zone historique',
    'Kraftwerkareal': 'Zone de centrale électrique',
    'Schrebergartenareal': 'Zone de jardins familiaux',
    'Truppenübungsplatz': 'Terrain d\'entraînement militaire',
    'Unterwerkareal': 'Zone de sous-station',
    'Kehrichtverbrennungsareal': 'Zone d\'incinération des déchets',
    'Spitalareal': 'Zone d\'hôpital',
    'Öffentliches Parkareal': 'Zone de parc public',
    'Messeareal': 'Zone d\'exposition',
    'Massnahmenvollzugsanstaltsareal': 'Zone d\'établissement de traitement',
    'Kiesabbauareal': 'Zone d\'extraction de gravier',
    'Steinbruchareal': 'Zone de carrière',
    'Klosterareal': 'Zone de monastère',
    'Deponieareal': 'Zone de décharge',
    'Antennenareal': 'Zone d\'antennes',
    'Lehmabbauareal': 'Zone d\'extraction d\'argile'

land_use_en = {
    'Baumschule': 'Nursery',
    'Friedhof': 'Cemetery',
    'Schul- und Hochschulareal': 'School and University Area',
    'Wald nicht bestockt': 'Non-stocked Forest',
    'Abwasserreinigungsareal': 'Wastewater Treatment Area',
    'Historisches Areal': 'Historical Area',
    'Kraftwerkareal': 'Power Plant Area',
    'Schrebergartenareal': 'Allotment Garden Area',
    'Truppenübungsplatz': 'Military Training Ground',
    'Unterwerkareal': 'Substation Area',
    'Kehrichtverbrennungsareal': 'Waste Incineration Area',
    'Spitalareal': 'Hospital Area',
    'Öffentliches Parkareal': 'Public Park Area',
    'Messeareal': 'Exhibition Area',
    'Massnahmenvollzugsanstaltsareal': 'Correctional Facility Area',
    'Kiesabbauareal': 'Gravel Extraction Area',
    'Steinbruchareal': 'Quarry Area',
    'Klosterareal': 'Monastery Area',
    'Deponieareal': 'Landfill Area',
    'Antennenareal': 'Antenna Area',
    'Lehmabbauareal': 'Clay Extraction Area'

# land_uses_grouped:
# outdoor non technical use:
lu_non_tech = ['Friedhof', 'Hitorisches Areal', 'Schrebergartenareal', 'Öffentliches Parkareal', 'Messeareal', 'Klosterareal',  'Wald nicht bestockt']

# technical-extraction-incineration
lu_extraction = ['Kiesabbauareal', 'Steinbruchareal',  'Lehmabbauareal',]

# waste-water-treatment-powere
lu_technical = ['Kehrichtverbrennungsareal', 'Deponieareal', 'Deponieareal', 'Abwasserreinigungsareal','Unterwerkareal', 'Antennenareal']

# services:
lu_serives = ['Massnahmenvollzugsanstaltsareal', 'Schul- und Hochschulareal', 'Spitalareal']

Land-use for one location:

slug attribute attribute_type area dry scale
685 parc-des-pierrettes Abwasserreinigungsareal land-use 49488 3832559 0.012913
686 parc-des-pierrettes Friedhof land-use 11325 3832559 0.002955
687 parc-des-pierrettes Oeffentliches Parkareal land-use 175591 3832559 0.045816
688 parc-des-pierrettes Schrebergartenareal land-use 17306 3832559 0.004516
689 parc-des-pierrettes Schul- und Hochschulareal land-use 1189161 3832559 0.310279


Null values

slug              False
attribute_type    False
attribute         False
length            False
dtype: bool
array(['Autostr', 'Fahrstraes', 'Fussweg', 'HauptStrAB6', 'VerbindStr4',
       'NebenStr3', 'VerbindStr6', 'Autobahn', 'HauptStrAB4', 'NebenStr6',
       'Autob_Ri'], dtype=object)

Streets: translations and groups

streets_fr = {
    'Autostr': 'autoroute',
    'NebenStr3': 'route secondaire 3',
    'NebenStr6': 'route secondaire 6',
    'HauptStrAB6': 'route principale 6',
    'HauptStrAB4': 'route principale 4',
    'Fahrstraes': 'chemin carrossable',
    'Fussweg': 'chemin pédestre',
    'Autobahn': 'autoroute',
    'Autob_Ri': 'autoroute',
    'VerbindStr4': 'route de liason 4',
    'VerbindStr6': 'route de liason 6',   

streets_en = {
    'Autostr': 'freeway',
    'NebenStr3': 'surface streets 3',
    'NebenStr6': 'surface streets 3 6',
    'HauptStrAB6': 'inter regional 6',
    'HauptStrAB4': 'inter regional 4',
    'Fahrstraes': 'bridle path',
    'Fussweg': 'pedestrian trail',
    'Autobahn': 'freeway',
    'Autob_Ri': 'freeway',
    'VerbindStr4': 'intra regional 4',
    'VerbindStr6': 'intra regional 6',   

# surface streets

str_surface = ['NebenStr3', 'NebenStr6']
str_ped_br = ['Fahrstraes', 'Fussweg']
str_main = [ 'HauptStrAB6', 'VerbindStr4','VerbindStr6', 'HauptStrAB4', 'NebenStr6']
str_auto = ['Autobahn', 'Autostr', 'Autob_Ri']

The streets at one survey location:

slug attribute_type attribute length
638 parc-des-pierrettes streets Autobahn 1685
639 parc-des-pierrettes streets Fahrstraes 1046
640 parc-des-pierrettes streets Fussweg 3257
641 parc-des-pierrettes streets HauptStrAB6 2918
642 parc-des-pierrettes streets NebenStr3 2850
643 parc-des-pierrettes streets VerbindStr4 67
644 parc-des-pierrettes streets VerbindStr6 2864

Rivers: intersection, size and class#

This requires the 1’500 m buffer created at the begininng and the rivers layer and the lakes layer.

intersection, size and class#

  1. Create a points layer of the intersection of rivers to lakes

    • Keep only points that are labeled as river (fluss, fluss_u)

    • Use the attribute table to select the points

  2. Overlay the 1 500 m buffer on the new layer and collect all the intersections within each buffer

    • export to .csv

  3. Check for intersections that do not have lake name

    • not all lakes and rivers have names in the layer

    • find the correct name for the lake and add it to the record

    • replace river names with nan value with “no name”

distance to intersection#

Note: the intersection points layer needs to be available

  1. Using the hub lines tool in QGIS draw lines from survey location to intersect location

    • Limit the distance to the radius of the buffer

    • join on the slug field in both layers

    • eliminate duplicates

    • calculate the length of the line with $length in field calculator of the attribute table

    • export to .csv

  2. Identify locations (slugs) that are missing either the river_name or lake

    • use the previous results (intersection, size and class) to fill in the missing values

    • check that slugs not in the distance matrix are truly without intersections

slug lake river_name size class distance attribute_type
72 parc-des-pierrettes Le Léman La Mèbre 8 8 333 river intersection
slug              False
lake              False
river_name        False
size              False
class             False
distance          False
attribute_type    False
dtype: bool
import reportclass as r_class
import setvariables as conf_
# updating language maps
# Collecting required data to establish a report
# This includes the language maps for all the common
# abbreviations and columns or index labels.
c_l = r_class.language_maps()
# luen = conf_.land_use_fr
# land_cover_fr = {
#     'undefined': 'Non défini',
#     'Siedl': 'Siedl',
#     'Wald': 'Forêt',
#     'Reben': 'Vignes',
#     'Obstanlage': 'Verger'
# }

# luen.update(land_cover_fr)
# fren = pd.read_csv('data/end_process/fr_labels.csv').set_index('en')
# ty = pd.DataFrame(luen.values(), index=luen.keys())
# ty['fr'] = ty[0]
# ty.index.name='en'

# ty.drop(0, axis=1,inplace=True)
fr    Siedl
Name: Siedl, dtype: object
# updated = pd.concat([fren, ty], axis=0)
# updated.to_csv('data/end_process/fr_labels.csv', index=True)
%watermark -a hammerdirt-analyst -co --iversions
Author: hammerdirt-analyst

conda environment: cantonal_report

numpy : 1.25.2
pandas: 2.0.3